Saturday, September 1, 2007

art analyzation #1

This piece is composed of ornate shapes and figures. The background is a dark navy blue color. In the upper left corner is a patch of gray in the background. In the center of the work lies a black wheel shape with thin, web-like circles in the middle. In front of the central wheel shape are two columns of ornamental forms. The left one is composed of black round shapes that branch out. The right column has round circular shapes that resemble ribbon, lace and flowers. Further to the right of the column are two more wheel shapes similar to the center one, but slightly smaller and with blue borders. The Circles are connected to each other by a single thin, curving blue line.
This piece has order and balance because the forms and shapes are organized to fill equal parts of space. The artist balances the ornate forms with the circular shapes on opposite sides of the painting. In that way the work is organized and deliberate. The artist also uses muted softer colors throughout most of the work rather than brighter hues. The use of color unites the whole piece.
I like this particular piece because of the use of balance. The colors are calm. Although there are many elements to this image, my eye moves over it at a moderate speed. I also like the decorative aspects of the piece. It feels very adorned, but antique.

1 comment:

Pat Autenrieth said...

Your comments are very clear, coherent and well considered. Compare your thoughts with those of Leslie's, about the same work.